Best Creatine Supplement

Before we start analyzing which one is the best creatine supplement we should take a look back on how creatine was established as one of the top supplements in sports. Creatine was introduced in 1993 after the Olympic Games of Barcelona. Many athletes who took part in those games used creatine supplements to maximize their performance and win medals. Since it is a completely natural substance, there was no limitation on its use. It is being produced from the organism and it is also to be found in meat, fish, etc. It takes part in the muscle contraction process which leads to muscle regeneration after hard and intensive workouts.

Creatine has proven to be a supplement that systematically helps increase performance. It is used widely in bodybuilding and strength sports and it is common knowledge that it assists building muscles and strength. What makes creatine unique as a supplement is that it is still popular in the market after all this years. Despite the myths that follow creatine, studies have shown that reasonable intake can only be beneficial.

Unlike other supplements creatine cannot be taken continuously without resting periods. Directions written on the product must be followed precisely. So, you have decided to put creatine in your bodybuilding schedule and you are searching for the best creatine supplement. First of all, you have to choose which type of creatine to take. These are the most common ones:

• Creatine Mono-hydrate

• Creatine Ester Ethyl

• Creatine Citrate

• Ester Creatine, or Creatine Ester Ethyl Hydrochloride

Don't get confused, they all work the same for you. They provide your muscles creatine, which is what you ultimately need. However, my experienced with creatine mono-hydrate was excellent. I never tried any other type. If you are willing to try them all just go ahead. You might want to find out which one works best for you.

When it comes on choosing what brand to buy, you should focus only to the top in the market. Creatine supplements are relatively cheap so don't hesitate to reach for top quality. Personally, I believe that Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder is the best creatine supplement. It provides your muscles with pure creatine, which means energy boost, stronger and longer workouts, results that you can see in a short period of time.

Remember, that creatine intake and hard workout must be inseparable. Combination of intensive training, creatine and protein supplements is the key to optimal muscle build and development. Keep those muscles pumping!

Want to maximize muscle mass? Hooking up with gym is not just enough; you need the best creatine supplements along with your diet. And if you are participating in activities like boxing strength training, the important of choosing the best creatine is even more. Athletes pursuing boxing strength training have some unique needs and requirements as opposed to others, and therefore making use of the right tools and products is of the utmost importance.

Over the years there have been many different supplement products thrown into the market with bogus advertisement to grab more and more customers. So, before choosing any supplements, you must do all the necessary research and don't easily get blinded by all the marketing hype and catchy packaging of supplements products. And, if you don't know what kind of creatine supplement you need and finding it very confusing which one to select, you need to have the very best information available so you can find the best creatine supplement for you needs.

In the market, you can find broad range of supplement products in various forms, at their core they all do the same thing, and that is to build and maximize your muscles size. Most creatine products available on the market blend various different forms together. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to find just one type of creatine by itself. Some products will even add in different products like whey powder or caffeine. If you have no idea what to look for in a supplement products that suits your needs, then don't end up buying the wrong supplement because you may not get the results you are looking for.

So, use the best creatine supplement available to increase muscle size, strength and desired body shape. Are you aware of the fact that properly taking creatine powder is one of the most effective ways to do gain muscle mass and strength. Among different creatine supplements, one of these is pure creatine monohydrate, which provides many benefits. In its most basic form creatine, creatine monohydrate is generally sold in powder for as a bulk type product. Creatine monohydrate powder is designed to increase energy levels in muscle cells so that they increase in both size and strength. While your diet can increase these levels, for some people diet alone is not enough to increase muscle mass as desired.

Besides that, it is important for you to make the best use of creatine by dosing an hour or so prior to a high intensity workout session. The reason for that is this supplement is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and put right into muscle tissue. If you don't utilize it, you lose it.

To increase your strength and power, use best creatine with powerful and healthy diet. Using supplements and proteins, you can get a great body If you have no idea what to look for in a supplement products that suits your needs,visit enutristore and get your needed supplements

Deck Design

There are standard construction principals as far as timber sizes and fixings. However decks offer great outdoor areas that are an extension of the living areas of the home. When designing your deck the first section to be considered is the purpose. What do I need or want from the deck? What will I use the deck for? What size do I need?

Your design

Your design should clearly reflect the activities and purpose of the deck area. Is the deck for more play room or a breakfast area, BBQ area, or to extend your dining area? Consider the level of the deck in relationship to your home. Would you like to step down onto the deck from your door or would you like the deck level with the floor of your home? The deck connection with your home is important and will create a flow or a separation with your home. Will the deck be connected or totally independent of the house structure?


What type of stairs would you like? The type of stairs creates a feel openness or limited access. Some decks have wide full width stairs to access the deck from any point, while others use a set of stairs at one end and balustrade to create a closed and defined space.

Materials - Timber Selection:

The construction materials influence the way a deck looks and thus you must decide what type timber you wish use. The cheapest construction materials are treated pine decking boards and can be stained in the colour of your choice. While treated pine is cheaper it does not generally last as long unless it is coated regularly. Also treated pine will not look as good as a hardwood deck. Hardwood decks look the best are stronger and will last longer than a treated pine deck. Hardwood decking boards do cost more but are much more durable. There are a number or beautiful timbers to use and your local hardware or timber supplies should be able to provide you with a good selection of different timbers and grades of decking. Quality hardwoods offer the best protection and durability, and also have many beautiful colours. Some hardwoods will need to be ordered in and can be order in mixed colours such as reds, browns, and red-pinks.

Deck design

Is your deck connected to your home or is it freestanding?

Is it a high or low (under 1 metre) deck?

Will your deck have a roof (pergola or awning) over it or will it be exposed without a roof?

How large an area is your deck going to be?

What type of timber are you using?

The next important thing to do when these questions have been answered is to go to your local council and ask what the local building guidelines and rules are when constructing a deck. For example a small deck may not need council approval only large decks. However some other council's may require all decks to be subject to approval. It is very important to work these issues through before you start or you may have to pull the whole deck down. Please note that all decks must be constructed to the current building regulations or standards whether they do or do not need council approval.


When building your deck long term durability and safety are very important. Every year people get injured when decks fail because they are under engineered for the amount of people on them or incorrect construction techniques have been used. Decks are often fully loaded when parties and family events take place. Thus it is important to make sure your deck is designed and constructed properly. The best practise of building decks is to have it over engineered or stronger than the minimum requirement.


Balustrade simply put, is a railing that stops people falling off the edge of your deck. If you have a low deck of 600mm or less you are generally not required by law to have balustrade (however check this with your local council). If a balustrade is required consider the type you would like before you start.

Planning your deck and checking the current building regulations with your local council will help you greatly in the final construction and look of your deck Also your local decking supplier should be able to help you in your timber selection and supply of you fixings that are needed for construction.

Futures Trading - Is It For You?

Wikipedia's response is: A Futures Market is a financial exchange where people can trade Futures Contracts.Well, what is a Futures Contract? A Futures Contract is a legally binding agreement to buy specified quantities of commodities or financial instruments at a specified price with delivery set at a specified time in the future.

It is important to emphasize the word Contract. The first important difference between the Futures Market and, say, the Stock Market is that the Futures Market trades contracts, not shares of stock. You are not buying and selling a share (or piece) of a company. A Futures Contract is an agreement between investors to trade a specific quantity of a commodity or financial instrument, for example, gallons of gas or tons of wheat.

It is fairly simple to see how commodities work. An airline, for example, agrees to purchase 100,000 gallons of fuel for their planes at the current market price, but does not take delivery until sometime in the future.

That was why Southwest Airlines made money when the price of fuel was $140/barrel and other airlines had none. They had negotiated Futures Contracts with several oil companies years earlier when the price of oil was less expensive, and waited for delivery until 2007-2008. When the price of oil is cheap again, they'll be buying Futures Contracts for delivery in 2011/2012.

That's all well and good, you say, but that's not really using a trading system with trading strategies, that negotiating.

For every Futures Contract, there is a degree of risk. Futures Contracts leverage risk against the value of the underlying asset.

Southwest acquired risk. If the price of crude fell below the price they paid, they paid more than they had to. Simultaneously, they reduced risk because they thought that the price of oil would go higher than their contract price. In their case, the leverage was profitable.

Now look at the oil companies. They reduced risk, believing crude oil prices would fall below the contract price they negotiated with Southwest. They acquired risk because the price of oil rose higher than the contract (thereby losing additional revenue they could have earned). In this case, their leverage was not as good as it might have been.

Here's where you stop and say, I'm not Southwest Airlines. I'm an individual day trader. I don't want to buy 100,000 gallons of crude. How can I trade Futures?

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), where the majority of Futures contracts are traded, realized that individual investors want to trade Futures just like major institutions; individual traders want to leverage their risk as well. They also understand that small investors will not risk millions of dollars on gallons of gas contracts or tons of wheat. Therefore, the CME decided to create an investment environment that would entice individual investors to trade Futures.

Remember, as small investor, you have lots of exchanges available to you for your trading day. You can invest in large cap stocks on the NYSE, tech stocks with the NASDAQ, ETFs - AMEX, and options at the CBOT. To entice investors to trade Futures, the CME created an exchange that made other exchanges pale in comparison.

First off, the CME created emini Futures designed specifically for individual investors. The e in emini means that they are traded electronically. You'll have a trading platform right on your desktop where your trades go to the CME. The mini means that the contract is a smaller version of the exact same contract that the larger institutions trade.

The most popular CME emini is the S&P500. This contract is based upon the S&P500 index that represents the top 500 stocks in the NYSE. The S&P500 index is price-weighted, so some of the stocks have more weight or "importance" than others. (larger companies can move the value of the index higher or lower).

And you believed that trading Futures was just for commodities like corn, wheat, rice, crude oil.

Imagine for a moment that you could trade all the top 500 stocks at the same time. That would leverage risk. If one or two stocks did no perform well that afternoon, you would still have 498 other stocks to trade. No need to pick any specific stock. No reason to spend hours and hours doing research on stocks either. Why? Because you are trading all of them. Of course, it would cost a fortune to be able to trade 500 stocks at one time. Well, buying and selling S&P500 emini Futures Contracts is just like trading all 500 stocks at once, for a fraction of the cost.

How did the CME entice a day trader to trade emini Futures? Look at the advantages of trading emini Futures Contracts. You'll see why many professional day traders gave up other exchanges...

1) The S&P500 emini contract is very liquid, meaning that it has lots of volume, and lots of action. Lots of volume means you can enter and exit quickly, in as little as 1 second. When trading first began in 1997, this contract's trading volume averaged 7,000 contracts / day. Today, it is not uncommon to see 3-4 million contracts daily.

2) This a a completely electronic environment. The CME does not have Market Makers who could refuse to fill your trade like the NYSE. The CME book is FIFO, first in first out. That makes trading on the CME a level playing field for all investors, no matter if you are trading 1 contract or 100.

3) Commission for emini Futures is based upon a Round Trip instead of in-and-out.

4) The distinction between the Bid price (the highest price that a buyer will pay for a contract) and the Ask price (the lowest price that a seller will sell a contract for) is just one Tick on the CME. (The minimum price movement is known as a Tick. The S&P500 trades in 25 cent increments. 1 Tick = 25 cents. 4 ticks = 1 point. Pay out is a bit different... if you gain 1 tick in your trade, the reward is $12.50, with 4 ticks = $50. Compare a 1 tick - Bid / Ask difference without Market Makers with trading NYSE securities where the difference between the Bid and Ask can be significant, especially if quoted by a Market Maker who makes his living on the spread difference.)

5) Trading emini's means that you are only watching 1 chart, the same chart, every day, day in and day out. Wouldn't you become a really hot trader if you only had to watch 1 chart? Stock traders usually watch a basket of stocks at once, flipping charts back and forth for fear of missing some price action.

6) Basically, there is no research to do every evening. Remember, you are trading all "500 stocks" at the same time. You don't need to research this stock and that stock, worrying about pre-announcements, whisper numbers, quarterly reporting, and accounting minefields.

7) Option traders must be able to correctly trade 4 conditions in order to have consistent trading success: underlying price, strike price, volatility, and time decay. Option traders may be right and yet lose on their trade because time was not their friend and the option expired worthless before they could make a profit. Futures traders are only concerned about 2 conditions: an advancing market or a declining market. Time decay is not a problem for Futures traders.

8) Margin rates are favorable to Futures traders. You can trade 1 S&P500 e-mini contract for just $400 / contract on margin. To trade stocks, at a minimum you would need to buy a lot of 100 shares. An average stock is $25/share, or $2500 to get in the door. Here's a major difference. The SEC defines a day trade as a transaction that opened and closed within the same trading day. A "pattern day trader" is any trader who executes 4 or more trades within a 5 day period. To by an NYSE day trader, you must open and have in your brokerage account at least $25,000 (or your account will be frozen for 90 days should you be caught day trading). Day trading Futures has no such restrictions. A brokerage account requires far less capital. Most Futures brokers allow you to open an account with just $2,500. This opens the trading Market to even small investors.

9) You can be a day trader with futures and trade them "long" (expecting the contracts to go up). But you can trade futures short (expecting the contracts to go down). There are bans put on short selling stocks that are less than $5. There are no restrictions on short selling Futures Contracts. Why? These are contracts, not shares of stock. As a day trader, you want to take full advantage of the Market's volatility. If you cannot short, then half of trading is lost to you. If you have to wait until the Market swings back up in order to enter a trade, then on the trading days when the Market is down 200 points, that might be a long wait.

10) If you are trading with an IRA or 401k account, when you exit a trade, you don't have to wait for the trade to "settle" before you use that same money for the next trade. One second after you exit your current Futures trade, that same money is available to you for another trade. With stock trading, when you exit a trade, you may wait as long as 3 days for your money to settle before you can trade with that money again.

11) Because this is Futures trading, rules originally intended for commodities also apply to e-mini Futures. There is a 60/40 split on taxes: 60% of your trade is long term (15% tax bracket) and 40% of your trade is short term (28% tax bracket). Compare this to stocks...hold a stock less than 1 year, it is a short term trade. You must hold the stock for over a year to qualify for long term capital gains. With Futures, your trading is broken down by the 60/40 rule, even if your average trade is 2 minutes or less. At the end of the year, your Futures broker sends you a 1099-b, a 1 liner, a net number of all your trading, not each individual trade. Say you made $50,000. The 1099-b will show $50,000, that is all. Now you claim $30,000 as long term capital gains and $20,000 as short term (60/40 split). Doing your taxes is so much easier as well. Your broker gives you the net entry, not each trade. You make just 1 entry on your tax return. If you trade stocks, you must enter every trade. If you are a day trader and trade multiple stocks, it may take hours to enter all the transactions. With Futures trading, you are done in a snap.

12) Futures trade just about every day, round the clock, 24/6. The only day you cannot trade Futures is Saturday. Many stocks cannot trade off hours, and if they do, it is very light trading. The S&P500 e-mini is traded all over the world. Depending upon the time of day, there is heavy trading on the e-mini. For example, at 2:00am EST, the Japanese trade the e-mini. At 4:00am EST, the Europeans trade the e-mini. If you have insomnia, e-mini trading is definitely for you.

13) Unlike stocks that trade across multiple exchanges and have different Bid/Ask prices, there is just 1 exchange/1 price for e-mini Futures and that is on the CME. That means for e-mini Futures contracts, there is only one price the posted price.

14) Your fills are guaranteed. If you are in a trade and the e-mini price goes through your offer, you get filled. This can be a problem for smaller Forex traders. You may be in a trade waiting to exit with an offer to sell The Forex contract goes right by your price and you don't get filled. Then you read in fine print on your Forex Brokers contract they do not guarantee fills. The CME Clearing House acts as the guarantor to each of its clearing members, thus ensuring the integrity of trades.

15) When contracts expire on the 3rd Friday of the contract month, futures contracts do not expire worthless. You roll your money over to the new contract, unlike Options that expire worthless.

Is Your Web Developer a Cowboy?

What do you think of your web developer?

Over the last few years we have quietly, but at every opportunity, been asking this question to business owners, marketing directors and executives responsible for their company website whether for commissioning, developing or maintaining their online presence. We also asked if they were happy with the website that the developer had provided, or if they thought it was bringing tangible benefit to their business. The responses were sharply divided. It seems that the businesses' experience of Web developers is like Marmite: you either love them or hate them.

Shockingly, over 80% of respondents reported a 'poor' or 'very poor' experience of working with a website developer or designer. Many made comments that were very uncomplimentary toward their web developers. Some stated that they felt they had been, "Taken for a ride," by those who had either baffled them with technology and jargon, or had - deliberately or otherwise - raised their expectations beyond what was feasible with the investment they were making. One had invested tens of thousands with a web development company to build an online presence for their business and now has a website that not only makes no contribution to any business objective, neither has it produced a single enquiry. The overall impression that we gained from our research to date and a term used by more than one unhappy respondent was that web developers are: "A load of cowboys."

These poor experiences have a knock-on effect, not just for those who have been unhappy with their outcomes but for the web development and internet marketing industries as a whole. It results in an increased conviction that all web developers were likely to be the same, and that there was no-one out there who could be trusted. In addition, the inclination to invest any further resources and capital on online promotion of their business was greatly reduced. "We've done that and it didn't work," was a common response.

What do the web developers have to say?

To balance the picture we also surveyed web developers and web design companies to see if we could identify what had created this tale of woe from businesses.

Many were unaware of the situation and some were quite frank in their derision of business owners. Common responses included

"They don't know what they are doing,"

"We're not telepathic you know!"

"They don't understand what is involved."

"We never get the right information."

"They keep changing their minds, often before the previous changes are completed."

Each side seemed to blame the other for what might be interpreted as a straightforward breakdown in communication.

So why does this happen? There are no doubt numerous reasons, but focusing on the communication issue, we asked the web developers if they ever asked for, or received, a web design brief from their clients. The majority response was: "Rarely!" The design briefs received mostly consisted of a single page of vague information that lacked the detail and specifics required. Although they usually included requests for things that far exceeded the budget or amount the business owner was willing to spend and were full of wish lists and 'good' ideas that require bespoke development or even new technology (for the words 'bespoke' and 'new', read - interchangeably - 'difficult' and 'expensive')!

So whose job is it?

Isn't it part of the web developers' job to write the brief? Actually, no it isn't, it is the responsibility of the business owner to communicate their requirements, their goals, their current situation and future plans. After all, as more than one developer pointed out, "We're are not telepathic you know!"

In addition, the pressure of trying to keep a small web development business running (let alone in profit) in this ever increasingly competitive industry means that there is no time or other resources to be teaching the business owner how to write a web design brief, even though it would create a better outcome for everyone. For the majority of situations, there is often no clear or effective communication, more a case of asking questions of the business owner - which they often don't understand clearly, which is no-ones fault - to get some sort of outline and then on with the job of designing and building the website.

Our experience - Web developer

Our experience indicates that the majority of web developers really want to do the best job they can for their clients.

They have the skills and knowledge to build websites that could work for their clients' businesses. They have the equipment and resources to carry out the work. We also observe however that there are web developers who mistake the functionality of the software that they use for their own creative skills. Ultimately over a period of more than a decade we have encountered very few who would deliberately, "Take their client for a ride," as some businesses have claimed.

Our experience - Businesses

Websites for businesses create a particular quandary for the business owner, manager or similar. There seems to be a huge barrier of technology and jargon to break through to be able to even speak the same language as the web development world. In addition, it is very difficult for anyone without extended experience to make any kind of value judgement about what is good or bad. Consider a different situation: whether you eat in a restaurant often or not, because you do eat every day, if you go into a restaurant, it is possible to make some kind of judgement as to whether you had a good experience, whether the food was good, whether the service was acceptable or excellent. Of course this is subjective to your own preferences and experiences, but at least you understand what a restaurant is, what it is supposed to do or be for and so on.

In our survey we ask a further question of businesses: "What is your website for, why did you get a website?" Very few offered any kind of clear response, the most common being: "Because we needed a website," or "Because our competitors had one." We also hear: "To generate sales/leads/enquiries etc." quite often, which is at least focused on business, but is nowhere near specific enough to be called an objective.

If it is not common for businesses to even understand what the website is for, or why they are getting one developed, how can it be possible for them to make a judgment on what is good or bad, other than it produces no results. Even this judgement requires something to measure the results - or lack thereof - against.

Management by abdication

In so many cases the business abdicates responsibility for the website to a web developer in the mistaken belief that 'they know best'. While the web developer knows about websites, they are likely to know little or nothing about the client's business and even less about the customers who will use the website. Together with the lack of communication between the web developer and the business owner it is not difficult to see why so many websites are poorly designed, deliver bad user experiences and ultimately poor or no results for the business.

Is there a solution

The first step to a solution is to address the communication problem. It is clear that there must be effective communication and the first stage of this would normally take the form of a clear and concise website design brief.

The website design brief

The last time we reported on web design briefs we had surveyed 57 web development companies, further surveying has now brought this number to nearly 100. While everyone does it slightly differently, they all had information requirements in common.

Remember that:

The document needs to be clear and concise,

The document is prepared for someone outside your business who doesn't necessarily know anything about your business or industry. Even if they claim to have worked in your industry before, unless they are specialists, then you should assume nothing.

Its purpose is to state clearly your requirements, including:

A profile of your business, its existing image, brand and products or other offerings including future plans

The objectives of the site - stated clearly in terms that can be measured, not woolly 'to generate enquiries' or similar, think detail and be specific.

The target market - who will be the users of the site, what will be their requirements?

Functionality requirements - often expressed as an outline, and as a business owner you may not be able to describe this well, but for example, do you require online payments and if so are you already accepting credit cards in your business. - remember, adding functionality usually increases cost far more than increasing the number of pages in the site.

The scale and scope of the development project - how big, how many pages, who will provide what and so on.

What are the project constraints, budget, timescale etc.

This document is not a wish list (although you could include things that you would like to do as well as but not instead of the above), it is the document that the developer works to and effectively forms part of your contract with them and is therefore subject to discussion and revision before being finalised.

In conclusion

The commissioning of a website is a much bigger project than appears at the beginning. Websites are not 'job-and-finish' projects. You need to form a good relationship with your web developer because you will be working with them for a long time, and the first step to a successful relationship is sorting out the communication. It is your business, if you have articulated clearly what you want, why your business needs it, and provided all the information the developer requires including realistic expectations, budgets and timescales then if it isn't delivered to the brief then you can blame the web developer. Otherwise accept that it is your problem, not their fault that they are not telepathic.

Furthermore, you need to take responsibility for the project, but also recognise that the development of a website is a team game, not something to be simply handed over and then moaned about when it was not quite what you were thinking of.

Last word

If you are serious about selling online or using the internet to promote your business it is important to recognise that you need to make a considerable investment of time and effort or you might as well take your money and simply thrown up in the air!

Nigel T Packer established Business for Business in 1999 following a broad range of experiences in industry, commerce and the public sector Business for Business is an internet marketing and eBusiness consultancy, specialising User experience and website promotion startegy.

Movie Review

Steven Soderbergh's Haywire takes an interesting and seldom used approach to the spy action thriller: It strips away all visual and thematic pretensions and simply plunges headfirst into pure adrenaline-pumping espionage. I'm hard pressed to say that the story is simple, and yet it's clear to me that everything unnecessary has been left out, leaving only that which must be there for the sake of advancement. Although the fight sequences are highly choreographed and not at all within the realm of possibility, they're mercifully spared the phoniness and posturing of macho stunt spectaculars and martial arts epics; every punch, kick, jab, slap, uppercut, and body slam is an exercise in simple, direct brutality. Here is a film in which all the fat has been trimmed. It's a lean, mean fighting machine.

I can't help but wonder how something so difficult to follow can still manage to be so engrossing. The film weaves a convoluted web of intrigue that spans nations, professions, personal relationships, and ranks. Keeping track of the details is next to impossible, and yet the story is told with such relentless speed and razor-sharp precision that watching it is nothing short of hypnotic. I was especially taken with its visual style, which is sparse yet surprisingly bold. And while I'm usually not the first to recognize violence as entertainment, I found myself absorbed in the fight sequences, probably because they aren't as glorified as they would be in most Hollywood action films. In spite of their brevity, they're incredibly kinetic, and they're not dramatized with a pounding rock underscore. We only have the sounds of pounding flesh and breaking furniture.

It tells the story of Mallory Kane (Gina Carano), a trained marine and a contractor for a private firm, which the American government relies on for covert operations. We can tell from the opening shot that she's on the run. At the start of the film, she arrives at a small diner in upstate New York, where she's approached by a fellow contractor named Aaron (Channing Tatum). He asks her to go with him. She refuses. The scene immediately shifts from tense to exciting when the two start fighting in clear view of the public. Mallory wards Aaron off by breaking his arm, intervenes with a random customer named Scott (Michael Angarano), and apprehends his car. Despite his obvious shock, Mallory takes him with her and tells him her story thus far. For as yet unknown reasons, she has him memorize names and locations.

For the next forty minutes or so, the film intercuts between the car ride and two of Mallory's covert missions. One is in Barcelona, where she and Aaron were hired to rescue a kidnapped a journalist named Jiang (Anthony Brandon Wong) and deliver him to their contact, Rodrigo (Antonio Banderas). The other is in Dublin, where she and a British agent named Paul (Michael Fassbender) will pose as husband and wife and infiltrate the Rossborough House. I will not reveal the specifics of the latter mission. I will say that it leads to an unsettling turn of events: Mallory has been set up by her own firm, which, as fate would have it, is led by her ex-boyfriend, Kenneth (Ewan McGregor). In the eyes of the American government, she's now a fugitive. She spends the rest of the film solving the mystery behind the betrayal.

Along the way, we will also meet a government agent named Coblenz (Michael Douglas), who always seems to know more than he lets on, and Mallory's father, John (Bill Paxton), a writer who lives in New Mexico and is well aware of her daughter's profession. Rest assured, there will be plenty of hand-to-hand combat as the story progresses. There will even at one point by a chase on the streets, through the back alleys, and across the rooftops of Dublin, where Mallory moves with the stealth of an assassin as she's being pursued by military men with guns. Although she lacks the mystique and solitary disposition of a samurai warrior, she is clearly an expert at what she does and is intensely focused even when under stress. She can't possibly be emotionally walled off, for she cares for her father and was once in love with Kenneth. Having said that, she is remarkably in control of her feelings and maintains an attitude of steely professionalism.

Much has been made of the casting of Gina Carano, mostly in regards to her experience as a mixed martial arts fighter and her appearance on the TV series American Gladiators. I agree that her physical strength gives the violent scenes in Haywire a certain authenticity. But let's not short change her; she adds something to the film even when she isn't fighting. In fact, let's not short change anyone; all the actors in the film are well cast I can't pretend that I fully understood the plot, nor can I say that I was able to keep track of the details or even make sense of the reason Carano's character was framed. But what the film lacked in clarity was more than made up for in spectacle, strength of character, excitement, and a very brisk pace (with a running time of just ninety-three minutes to boot).

Unique Tips to Make Money Online

Making money online is not a magic or secret nowadays. You just need to know some techniques. Suppose you have writing skills then why cannot you earn from the power of your mind? You can start writing reviews and articles on the specific sites.

For example, you can try HubPages for earning money online. There are different ways to earn online from this platform. You can avail the ad programs on this site without any investment. You can meet with a lot of advertisers who want to publish their ads. You can offer them your own website or blog for this purpose. You ought to produce original content that is the very first requirement for all hubs. Now simply look at the easy strategies that can bring money at your doorstep.


Everybody has heard this word many times. Now, you just need to write some keywords that are related to your hubs. Let us say this in another way. You have made a hub regarding dog food. Now, you will have to write some keywords that should have connection with the dog stuff. The final step will be to have affiliates related to your subject. In this way you can increase the sales volume through the hubs.


It is also a very famous site for online buying and selling. Millions of dollars are being exchanged every year through such kinds of websites. It works like Amazon. You just write some keywords that should explain your specific hub. After it you can see the results from hub pages.


You can earn in two ways from Hubs through impressions and clicks for the ads that are on the hubs. People come and see the ads and you get paid. So, now you will know the need of traffic flow too.


It is also something like AdSense. You get the amount at the end of month in return of total impressions and clicks for the ads displaying on the Hubs.

Ad programs

This is a new technique to generate revenue via working at home. You are asked to mention local and national tax information if you use the platform of hub pages. It is an effective tool to get the handsome amount in the end.

So, by writing product reviews you can charge per word from the advertisers. Bloggers can also offer their own rates for the referral links on the blogs. That is the easy and attractive way to get the money with writing skills

There are so many ways to make money online. If you have a gift for writing, you can do some article writing jobs, or some blog commenting stuff. If you know about a thing or two about back linking, then you can offer that to website owners, for a price of course. The possibilities of earning money online from home are limitless. However, there are some things that you should watch out for, and those are online scams.

To spot online scams, remember these characteristics: Scheming, Crafty, Aggressive, and Malicious. When you want to venture on making money online, you need to guard your money like a junkyard watchdog.

Here are some ways to spot online scams:

They offer you a business without a product! There are so many online business out there that offers you a get-rich-quick system, but when you purchase their product you receive a package with an empty box! A legitimate home based online business will offer you training modules, unlimited access to a training room, and an online support.

They tell you that you do not need a website. Take note of this, when you want to make money online, a website is necessary! However, there are some that provides you with your own internet marketer, thus you don't need a website, because your internet marketer will be the one to give it to you.

They tell you that you do not need a list! Just like a website, a list is necessary! Everybody who are making money online will tell you that, "the money is in the list." Although, some online business do have says you don't need a list because your Internet Marketer will be the one who will do your work for you.

They don't have a live person that you can talk to. When you want to talk to a person in-charge all you get is a chat mate. A real person should be a pre-requisite if you are investing money and expect money to return.

They don't have a legitimate contact information on the site There should be a valid phone number and address.

They don't have an application where they ask for your real personal information.

Online scams are usually listed on, and other websites that give information about frauds online.

Once you know how to protect yourself online, you are sure to have more success in your home based business.

Before we start analyzing which one is the best creatine supplement we should take a look back on how creatine was established as one of the top supplements in sports. Creatine was introduced in 1993 after the Olympic Games of Barcelona. Many athletes who took part in those games used creatine supplements to maximize their performance and win medals. Since it is a completely natural substance, there was no limitation on its use. It is being produced from the organism and it is also to be found in meat, fish, etc. It takes part in the muscle contraction process which leads to muscle regeneration after hard and intensive workouts.

Creatine has proven to be a supplement that systematically helps increase performance. It is used widely in bodybuilding and strength sports and it is common knowledge that it assists building muscles and strength. What makes creatine unique as a supplement is that it is still popular in the market after all this years. Despite the myths that follow creatine, studies have shown that reasonable intake can only be beneficial.

Unlike other supplements creatine cannot be taken continuously without resting periods. Directions written on the product must be followed precisely. So, you have decided to put creatine in your bodybuilding schedule and you are searching for the best creatine supplement. First of all, you have to choose which type of creatine to take. These are the most common ones:

• Creatine Mono-hydrate

• Creatine Ester Ethyl

• Creatine Citrate

• Ester Creatine, or Creatine Ester Ethyl Hydrochloride

Don't get confused, they all work the same for you. They provide your muscles creatine, which is what you ultimately need. However, my experienced with creatine mono-hydrate was excellent. I never tried any other type. If you are willing to try them all just go ahead. You might want to find out which one works best for you.

When it comes on choosing what brand to buy, you should focus only to the top in the market. Creatine supplements are relatively cheap so don't hesitate to reach for top quality. Personally, I believe that Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder is the best creatine supplement. It provides your muscles with pure creatine, which means energy boost, stronger and longer workouts, results that you can see in a short period of time.

Remember, that creatine intake and hard workout must be inseparable. Combination of intensive training, creatine and protein supplements is the key to optimal muscle build and development. Keep those muscles pumping!

Want to maximize muscle mass? Hooking up with gym is not just enough; you need the best creatine supplements along with your diet. And if you are participating in activities like boxing strength training, the important of choosing the best creatine is even more. Athletes pursuing boxing strength training have some unique needs and requirements as opposed to others, and therefore making use of the right tools and products is of the utmost importance.

Over the years there have been many different supplement products thrown into the market with bogus advertisement to grab more and more customers. So, before choosing any supplements, you must do all the necessary research and don't easily get blinded by all the marketing hype and catchy packaging of supplements products. And, if you don't know what kind of creatine supplement you need and finding it very confusing which one to select, you need to have the very best information available so you can find the best creatine supplement for you needs.

In the market, you can find broad range of supplement products in various forms, at their core they all do the same thing, and that is to build and maximize your muscles size. Most creatine products available on the market blend various different forms together. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to find just one type of creatine by itself. Some products will even add in different products like whey powder or caffeine. If you have no idea what to look for in a supplement products that suits your needs, then don't end up buying the wrong supplement because you may not get the results you are looking for.

So, use the best creatine supplement available to increase muscle size, strength and desired body shape. Are you aware of the fact that properly taking creatine powder is one of the most effective ways to do gain muscle mass and strength. Among different creatine supplements, one of these is pure creatine monohydrate, which provides many benefits. In its most basic form creatine, creatine monohydrate is generally sold in powder for as a bulk type product. Creatine monohydrate powder is designed to increase energy levels in muscle cells so that they increase in both size and strength. While your diet can increase these levels, for some people diet alone is not enough to increase muscle mass as desired.

Besides that, it is important for you to make the best use of creatine by dosing an hour or so prior to a high intensity workout session. The reason for that is this supplement is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and put right into muscle tissue. If you don't utilize it, you lose it.

To increase your strength and power, use best creatine with powerful and healthy diet. Using supplements and proteins, you can get a great body If you have no idea what to look for in a supplement products that suits your needs,visit enutristore and get your needed supplements

Deck Design

There are standard construction principals as far as timber sizes and fixings. However decks offer great outdoor areas that are an extension of the living areas of the home. When designing your deck the first section to be considered is the purpose. What do I need or want from the deck? What will I use the deck for? What size do I need?

Your design

Your design should clearly reflect the activities and purpose of the deck area. Is the deck for more play room or a breakfast area, BBQ area, or to extend your dining area? Consider the level of the deck in relationship to your home. Would you like to step down onto the deck from your door or would you like the deck level with the floor of your home? The deck connection with your home is important and will create a flow or a separation with your home. Will the deck be connected or totally independent of the house structure?


What type of stairs would you like? The type of stairs creates a feel openness or limited access. Some decks have wide full width stairs to access the deck from any point, while others use a set of stairs at one end and balustrade to create a closed and defined space.

Materials - Timber Selection:

The construction materials influence the way a deck looks and thus you must decide what type timber you wish use. The cheapest construction materials are treated pine decking boards and can be stained in the colour of your choice. While treated pine is cheaper it does not generally last as long unless it is coated regularly. Also treated pine will not look as good as a hardwood deck. Hardwood decks look the best are stronger and will last longer than a treated pine deck. Hardwood decking boards do cost more but are much more durable. There are a number or beautiful timbers to use and your local hardware or timber supplies should be able to provide you with a good selection of different timbers and grades of decking. Quality hardwoods offer the best protection and durability, and also have many beautiful colours. Some hardwoods will need to be ordered in and can be order in mixed colours such as reds, browns, and red-pinks.

Deck design

Is your deck connected to your home or is it freestanding?

Is it a high or low (under 1 metre) deck?

Will your deck have a roof (pergola or awning) over it or will it be exposed without a roof?

How large an area is your deck going to be?

What type of timber are you using?

The next important thing to do when these questions have been answered is to go to your local council and ask what the local building guidelines and rules are when constructing a deck. For example a small deck may not need council approval only large decks. However some other council's may require all decks to be subject to approval. It is very important to work these issues through before you start or you may have to pull the whole deck down. Please note that all decks must be constructed to the current building regulations or standards whether they do or do not need council approval.


When building your deck long term durability and safety are very important. Every year people get injured when decks fail because they are under engineered for the amount of people on them or incorrect construction techniques have been used. Decks are often fully loaded when parties and family events take place. Thus it is important to make sure your deck is designed and constructed properly. The best practise of building decks is to have it over engineered or stronger than the minimum requirement.


Balustrade simply put, is a railing that stops people falling off the edge of your deck. If you have a low deck of 600mm or less you are generally not required by law to have balustrade (however check this with your local council). If a balustrade is required consider the type you would like before you start.

Planning your deck and checking the current building regulations with your local council will help you greatly in the final construction and look of your deck Also your local decking supplier should be able to help you in your timber selection and supply of you fixings that are needed for construction.

Futures Trading - Is It For You?

Wikipedia's response is: A Futures Market is a financial exchange where people can trade Futures Contracts.Well, what is a Futures Contract? A Futures Contract is a legally binding agreement to buy specified quantities of commodities or financial instruments at a specified price with delivery set at a specified time in the future.

It is important to emphasize the word Contract. The first important difference between the Futures Market and, say, the Stock Market is that the Futures Market trades contracts, not shares of stock. You are not buying and selling a share (or piece) of a company. A Futures Contract is an agreement between investors to trade a specific quantity of a commodity or financial instrument, for example, gallons of gas or tons of wheat.

It is fairly simple to see how commodities work. An airline, for example, agrees to purchase 100,000 gallons of fuel for their planes at the current market price, but does not take delivery until sometime in the future.

That was why Southwest Airlines made money when the price of fuel was $140/barrel and other airlines had none. They had negotiated Futures Contracts with several oil companies years earlier when the price of oil was less expensive, and waited for delivery until 2007-2008. When the price of oil is cheap again, they'll be buying Futures Contracts for delivery in 2011/2012.

That's all well and good, you say, but that's not really using a trading system with trading strategies, that negotiating.

For every Futures Contract, there is a degree of risk. Futures Contracts leverage risk against the value of the underlying asset.

Southwest acquired risk. If the price of crude fell below the price they paid, they paid more than they had to. Simultaneously, they reduced risk because they thought that the price of oil would go higher than their contract price. In their case, the leverage was profitable.

Now look at the oil companies. They reduced risk, believing crude oil prices would fall below the contract price they negotiated with Southwest. They acquired risk because the price of oil rose higher than the contract (thereby losing additional revenue they could have earned). In this case, their leverage was not as good as it might have been.

Here's where you stop and say, I'm not Southwest Airlines. I'm an individual day trader. I don't want to buy 100,000 gallons of crude. How can I trade Futures?

The Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), where the majority of Futures contracts are traded, realized that individual investors want to trade Futures just like major institutions; individual traders want to leverage their risk as well. They also understand that small investors will not risk millions of dollars on gallons of gas contracts or tons of wheat. Therefore, the CME decided to create an investment environment that would entice individual investors to trade Futures.

Remember, as small investor, you have lots of exchanges available to you for your trading day. You can invest in large cap stocks on the NYSE, tech stocks with the NASDAQ, ETFs - AMEX, and options at the CBOT. To entice investors to trade Futures, the CME created an exchange that made other exchanges pale in comparison.

First off, the CME created emini Futures designed specifically for individual investors. The e in emini means that they are traded electronically. You'll have a trading platform right on your desktop where your trades go to the CME. The mini means that the contract is a smaller version of the exact same contract that the larger institutions trade.

The most popular CME emini is the S&P500. This contract is based upon the S&P500 index that represents the top 500 stocks in the NYSE. The S&P500 index is price-weighted, so some of the stocks have more weight or "importance" than others. (larger companies can move the value of the index higher or lower).

And you believed that trading Futures was just for commodities like corn, wheat, rice, crude oil.

Imagine for a moment that you could trade all the top 500 stocks at the same time. That would leverage risk. If one or two stocks did no perform well that afternoon, you would still have 498 other stocks to trade. No need to pick any specific stock. No reason to spend hours and hours doing research on stocks either. Why? Because you are trading all of them. Of course, it would cost a fortune to be able to trade 500 stocks at one time. Well, buying and selling S&P500 emini Futures Contracts is just like trading all 500 stocks at once, for a fraction of the cost.

How did the CME entice a day trader to trade emini Futures? Look at the advantages of trading emini Futures Contracts. You'll see why many professional day traders gave up other exchanges...

1) The S&P500 emini contract is very liquid, meaning that it has lots of volume, and lots of action. Lots of volume means you can enter and exit quickly, in as little as 1 second. When trading first began in 1997, this contract's trading volume averaged 7,000 contracts / day. Today, it is not uncommon to see 3-4 million contracts daily.

2) This a a completely electronic environment. The CME does not have Market Makers who could refuse to fill your trade like the NYSE. The CME book is FIFO, first in first out. That makes trading on the CME a level playing field for all investors, no matter if you are trading 1 contract or 100.

3) Commission for emini Futures is based upon a Round Trip instead of in-and-out.

4) The distinction between the Bid price (the highest price that a buyer will pay for a contract) and the Ask price (the lowest price that a seller will sell a contract for) is just one Tick on the CME. (The minimum price movement is known as a Tick. The S&P500 trades in 25 cent increments. 1 Tick = 25 cents. 4 ticks = 1 point. Pay out is a bit different... if you gain 1 tick in your trade, the reward is $12.50, with 4 ticks = $50. Compare a 1 tick - Bid / Ask difference without Market Makers with trading NYSE securities where the difference between the Bid and Ask can be significant, especially if quoted by a Market Maker who makes his living on the spread difference.)

5) Trading emini's means that you are only watching 1 chart, the same chart, every day, day in and day out. Wouldn't you become a really hot trader if you only had to watch 1 chart? Stock traders usually watch a basket of stocks at once, flipping charts back and forth for fear of missing some price action.

6) Basically, there is no research to do every evening. Remember, you are trading all "500 stocks" at the same time. You don't need to research this stock and that stock, worrying about pre-announcements, whisper numbers, quarterly reporting, and accounting minefields.

7) Option traders must be able to correctly trade 4 conditions in order to have consistent trading success: underlying price, strike price, volatility, and time decay. Option traders may be right and yet lose on their trade because time was not their friend and the option expired worthless before they could make a profit. Futures traders are only concerned about 2 conditions: an advancing market or a declining market. Time decay is not a problem for Futures traders.

8) Margin rates are favorable to Futures traders. You can trade 1 S&P500 e-mini contract for just $400 / contract on margin. To trade stocks, at a minimum you would need to buy a lot of 100 shares. An average stock is $25/share, or $2500 to get in the door. Here's a major difference. The SEC defines a day trade as a transaction that opened and closed within the same trading day. A "pattern day trader" is any trader who executes 4 or more trades within a 5 day period. To by an NYSE day trader, you must open and have in your brokerage account at least $25,000 (or your account will be frozen for 90 days should you be caught day trading). Day trading Futures has no such restrictions. A brokerage account requires far less capital. Most Futures brokers allow you to open an account with just $2,500. This opens the trading Market to even small investors.

9) You can be a day trader with futures and trade them "long" (expecting the contracts to go up). But you can trade futures short (expecting the contracts to go down). There are bans put on short selling stocks that are less than $5. There are no restrictions on short selling Futures Contracts. Why? These are contracts, not shares of stock. As a day trader, you want to take full advantage of the Market's volatility. If you cannot short, then half of trading is lost to you. If you have to wait until the Market swings back up in order to enter a trade, then on the trading days when the Market is down 200 points, that might be a long wait.

10) If you are trading with an IRA or 401k account, when you exit a trade, you don't have to wait for the trade to "settle" before you use that same money for the next trade. One second after you exit your current Futures trade, that same money is available to you for another trade. With stock trading, when you exit a trade, you may wait as long as 3 days for your money to settle before you can trade with that money again.

11) Because this is Futures trading, rules originally intended for commodities also apply to e-mini Futures. There is a 60/40 split on taxes: 60% of your trade is long term (15% tax bracket) and 40% of your trade is short term (28% tax bracket). Compare this to stocks...hold a stock less than 1 year, it is a short term trade. You must hold the stock for over a year to qualify for long term capital gains. With Futures, your trading is broken down by the 60/40 rule, even if your average trade is 2 minutes or less. At the end of the year, your Futures broker sends you a 1099-b, a 1 liner, a net number of all your trading, not each individual trade. Say you made $50,000. The 1099-b will show $50,000, that is all. Now you claim $30,000 as long term capital gains and $20,000 as short term (60/40 split). Doing your taxes is so much easier as well. Your broker gives you the net entry, not each trade. You make just 1 entry on your tax return. If you trade stocks, you must enter every trade. If you are a day trader and trade multiple stocks, it may take hours to enter all the transactions. With Futures trading, you are done in a snap.

12) Futures trade just about every day, round the clock, 24/6. The only day you cannot trade Futures is Saturday. Many stocks cannot trade off hours, and if they do, it is very light trading. The S&P500 e-mini is traded all over the world. Depending upon the time of day, there is heavy trading on the e-mini. For example, at 2:00am EST, the Japanese trade the e-mini. At 4:00am EST, the Europeans trade the e-mini. If you have insomnia, e-mini trading is definitely for you.

13) Unlike stocks that trade across multiple exchanges and have different Bid/Ask prices, there is just 1 exchange/1 price for e-mini Futures and that is on the CME. That means for e-mini Futures contracts, there is only one price the posted price.

14) Your fills are guaranteed. If you are in a trade and the e-mini price goes through your offer, you get filled. This can be a problem for smaller Forex traders. You may be in a trade waiting to exit with an offer to sell The Forex contract goes right by your price and you don't get filled. Then you read in fine print on your Forex Brokers contract they do not guarantee fills. The CME Clearing House acts as the guarantor to each of its clearing members, thus ensuring the integrity of trades.

15) When contracts expire on the 3rd Friday of the contract month, futures contracts do not expire worthless. You roll your money over to the new contract, unlike Options that expire worthless.

Is Your Web Developer a Cowboy?

What do you think of your web developer?

Over the last few years we have quietly, but at every opportunity, been asking this question to business owners, marketing directors and executives responsible for their company website whether for commissioning, developing or maintaining their online presence. We also asked if they were happy with the website that the developer had provided, or if they thought it was bringing tangible benefit to their business. The responses were sharply divided. It seems that the businesses' experience of Web developers is like Marmite: you either love them or hate them.

Shockingly, over 80% of respondents reported a 'poor' or 'very poor' experience of working with a website developer or designer. Many made comments that were very uncomplimentary toward their web developers. Some stated that they felt they had been, "Taken for a ride," by those who had either baffled them with technology and jargon, or had - deliberately or otherwise - raised their expectations beyond what was feasible with the investment they were making. One had invested tens of thousands with a web development company to build an online presence for their business and now has a website that not only makes no contribution to any business objective, neither has it produced a single enquiry. The overall impression that we gained from our research to date and a term used by more than one unhappy respondent was that web developers are: "A load of cowboys."

These poor experiences have a knock-on effect, not just for those who have been unhappy with their outcomes but for the web development and internet marketing industries as a whole. It results in an increased conviction that all web developers were likely to be the same, and that there was no-one out there who could be trusted. In addition, the inclination to invest any further resources and capital on online promotion of their business was greatly reduced. "We've done that and it didn't work," was a common response.

What do the web developers have to say?

To balance the picture we also surveyed web developers and web design companies to see if we could identify what had created this tale of woe from businesses.

Many were unaware of the situation and some were quite frank in their derision of business owners. Common responses included

"They don't know what they are doing,"

"We're not telepathic you know!"

"They don't understand what is involved."

"We never get the right information."

"They keep changing their minds, often before the previous changes are completed."

Each side seemed to blame the other for what might be interpreted as a straightforward breakdown in communication.

So why does this happen? There are no doubt numerous reasons, but focusing on the communication issue, we asked the web developers if they ever asked for, or received, a web design brief from their clients. The majority response was: "Rarely!" The design briefs received mostly consisted of a single page of vague information that lacked the detail and specifics required. Although they usually included requests for things that far exceeded the budget or amount the business owner was willing to spend and were full of wish lists and 'good' ideas that require bespoke development or even new technology (for the words 'bespoke' and 'new', read - interchangeably - 'difficult' and 'expensive')!

So whose job is it?

Isn't it part of the web developers' job to write the brief? Actually, no it isn't, it is the responsibility of the business owner to communicate their requirements, their goals, their current situation and future plans. After all, as more than one developer pointed out, "We're are not telepathic you know!"

In addition, the pressure of trying to keep a small web development business running (let alone in profit) in this ever increasingly competitive industry means that there is no time or other resources to be teaching the business owner how to write a web design brief, even though it would create a better outcome for everyone. For the majority of situations, there is often no clear or effective communication, more a case of asking questions of the business owner - which they often don't understand clearly, which is no-ones fault - to get some sort of outline and then on with the job of designing and building the website.

Our experience - Web developer

Our experience indicates that the majority of web developers really want to do the best job they can for their clients.

They have the skills and knowledge to build websites that could work for their clients' businesses. They have the equipment and resources to carry out the work. We also observe however that there are web developers who mistake the functionality of the software that they use for their own creative skills. Ultimately over a period of more than a decade we have encountered very few who would deliberately, "Take their client for a ride," as some businesses have claimed.

Our experience - Businesses

Websites for businesses create a particular quandary for the business owner, manager or similar. There seems to be a huge barrier of technology and jargon to break through to be able to even speak the same language as the web development world. In addition, it is very difficult for anyone without extended experience to make any kind of value judgement about what is good or bad. Consider a different situation: whether you eat in a restaurant often or not, because you do eat every day, if you go into a restaurant, it is possible to make some kind of judgement as to whether you had a good experience, whether the food was good, whether the service was acceptable or excellent. Of course this is subjective to your own preferences and experiences, but at least you understand what a restaurant is, what it is supposed to do or be for and so on.

In our survey we ask a further question of businesses: "What is your website for, why did you get a website?" Very few offered any kind of clear response, the most common being: "Because we needed a website," or "Because our competitors had one." We also hear: "To generate sales/leads/enquiries etc." quite often, which is at least focused on business, but is nowhere near specific enough to be called an objective.

If it is not common for businesses to even understand what the website is for, or why they are getting one developed, how can it be possible for them to make a judgment on what is good or bad, other than it produces no results. Even this judgement requires something to measure the results - or lack thereof - against.

Management by abdication

In so many cases the business abdicates responsibility for the website to a web developer in the mistaken belief that 'they know best'. While the web developer knows about websites, they are likely to know little or nothing about the client's business and even less about the customers who will use the website. Together with the lack of communication between the web developer and the business owner it is not difficult to see why so many websites are poorly designed, deliver bad user experiences and ultimately poor or no results for the business.

Is there a solution

The first step to a solution is to address the communication problem. It is clear that there must be effective communication and the first stage of this would normally take the form of a clear and concise website design brief.

The website design brief

The last time we reported on web design briefs we had surveyed 57 web development companies, further surveying has now brought this number to nearly 100. While everyone does it slightly differently, they all had information requirements in common.

Remember that:

The document needs to be clear and concise,

The document is prepared for someone outside your business who doesn't necessarily know anything about your business or industry. Even if they claim to have worked in your industry before, unless they are specialists, then you should assume nothing.

Its purpose is to state clearly your requirements, including:

A profile of your business, its existing image, brand and products or other offerings including future plans

The objectives of the site - stated clearly in terms that can be measured, not woolly 'to generate enquiries' or similar, think detail and be specific.

The target market - who will be the users of the site, what will be their requirements?

Functionality requirements - often expressed as an outline, and as a business owner you may not be able to describe this well, but for example, do you require online payments and if so are you already accepting credit cards in your business. - remember, adding functionality usually increases cost far more than increasing the number of pages in the site.

The scale and scope of the development project - how big, how many pages, who will provide what and so on.

What are the project constraints, budget, timescale etc.

This document is not a wish list (although you could include things that you would like to do as well as but not instead of the above), it is the document that the developer works to and effectively forms part of your contract with them and is therefore subject to discussion and revision before being finalised.

In conclusion

The commissioning of a website is a much bigger project than appears at the beginning. Websites are not 'job-and-finish' projects. You need to form a good relationship with your web developer because you will be working with them for a long time, and the first step to a successful relationship is sorting out the communication. It is your business, if you have articulated clearly what you want, why your business needs it, and provided all the information the developer requires including realistic expectations, budgets and timescales then if it isn't delivered to the brief then you can blame the web developer. Otherwise accept that it is your problem, not their fault that they are not telepathic.

Furthermore, you need to take responsibility for the project, but also recognise that the development of a website is a team game, not something to be simply handed over and then moaned about when it was not quite what you were thinking of.

Last word

If you are serious about selling online or using the internet to promote your business it is important to recognise that you need to make a considerable investment of time and effort or you might as well take your money and simply thrown up in the air!

Nigel T Packer established Business for Business in 1999 following a broad range of experiences in industry, commerce and the public sector Business for Business is an internet marketing and eBusiness consultancy, specialising User experience and website promotion startegy.

Movie Review

Steven Soderbergh's Haywire takes an interesting and seldom used approach to the spy action thriller: It strips away all visual and thematic pretensions and simply plunges headfirst into pure adrenaline-pumping espionage. I'm hard pressed to say that the story is simple, and yet it's clear to me that everything unnecessary has been left out, leaving only that which must be there for the sake of advancement. Although the fight sequences are highly choreographed and not at all within the realm of possibility, they're mercifully spared the phoniness and posturing of macho stunt spectaculars and martial arts epics; every punch, kick, jab, slap, uppercut, and body slam is an exercise in simple, direct brutality. Here is a film in which all the fat has been trimmed. It's a lean, mean fighting machine.

I can't help but wonder how something so difficult to follow can still manage to be so engrossing. The film weaves a convoluted web of intrigue that spans nations, professions, personal relationships, and ranks. Keeping track of the details is next to impossible, and yet the story is told with such relentless speed and razor-sharp precision that watching it is nothing short of hypnotic. I was especially taken with its visual style, which is sparse yet surprisingly bold. And while I'm usually not the first to recognize violence as entertainment, I found myself absorbed in the fight sequences, probably because they aren't as glorified as they would be in most Hollywood action films. In spite of their brevity, they're incredibly kinetic, and they're not dramatized with a pounding rock underscore. We only have the sounds of pounding flesh and breaking furniture.

It tells the story of Mallory Kane (Gina Carano), a trained marine and a contractor for a private firm, which the American government relies on for covert operations. We can tell from the opening shot that she's on the run. At the start of the film, she arrives at a small diner in upstate New York, where she's approached by a fellow contractor named Aaron (Channing Tatum). He asks her to go with him. She refuses. The scene immediately shifts from tense to exciting when the two start fighting in clear view of the public. Mallory wards Aaron off by breaking his arm, intervenes with a random customer named Scott (Michael Angarano), and apprehends his car. Despite his obvious shock, Mallory takes him with her and tells him her story thus far. For as yet unknown reasons, she has him memorize names and locations.

For the next forty minutes or so, the film intercuts between the car ride and two of Mallory's covert missions. One is in Barcelona, where she and Aaron were hired to rescue a kidnapped a journalist named Jiang (Anthony Brandon Wong) and deliver him to their contact, Rodrigo (Antonio Banderas). The other is in Dublin, where she and a British agent named Paul (Michael Fassbender) will pose as husband and wife and infiltrate the Rossborough House. I will not reveal the specifics of the latter mission. I will say that it leads to an unsettling turn of events: Mallory has been set up by her own firm, which, as fate would have it, is led by her ex-boyfriend, Kenneth (Ewan McGregor). In the eyes of the American government, she's now a fugitive. She spends the rest of the film solving the mystery behind the betrayal.

Along the way, we will also meet a government agent named Coblenz (Michael Douglas), who always seems to know more than he lets on, and Mallory's father, John (Bill Paxton), a writer who lives in New Mexico and is well aware of her daughter's profession. Rest assured, there will be plenty of hand-to-hand combat as the story progresses. There will even at one point by a chase on the streets, through the back alleys, and across the rooftops of Dublin, where Mallory moves with the stealth of an assassin as she's being pursued by military men with guns. Although she lacks the mystique and solitary disposition of a samurai warrior, she is clearly an expert at what she does and is intensely focused even when under stress. She can't possibly be emotionally walled off, for she cares for her father and was once in love with Kenneth. Having said that, she is remarkably in control of her feelings and maintains an attitude of steely professionalism.

Much has been made of the casting of Gina Carano, mostly in regards to her experience as a mixed martial arts fighter and her appearance on the TV series American Gladiators. I agree that her physical strength gives the violent scenes in Haywire a certain authenticity. But let's not short change her; she adds something to the film even when she isn't fighting. In fact, let's not short change anyone; all the actors in the film are well cast I can't pretend that I fully understood the plot, nor can I say that I was able to keep track of the details or even make sense of the reason Carano's character was framed. But what the film lacked in clarity was more than made up for in spectacle, strength of character, excitement, and a very brisk pace (with a running time of just ninety-three minutes to boot).

Unique Tips to Make Money Online

Making money online is not a magic or secret nowadays. You just need to know some techniques. Suppose you have writing skills then why cannot you earn from the power of your mind? You can start writing reviews and articles on the specific sites.

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Ad programs

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So, by writing product reviews you can charge per word from the advertisers. Bloggers can also offer their own rates for the referral links on the blogs. That is the easy and attractive way to get the money with writing skills

There are so many ways to make money online. If you have a gift for writing, you can do some article writing jobs, or some blog commenting stuff. If you know about a thing or two about back linking, then you can offer that to website owners, for a price of course. The possibilities of earning money online from home are limitless. However, there are some things that you should watch out for, and those are online scams.

To spot online scams, remember these characteristics: Scheming, Crafty, Aggressive, and Malicious. When you want to venture on making money online, you need to guard your money like a junkyard watchdog.

Here are some ways to spot online scams:

They offer you a business without a product! There are so many online business out there that offers you a get-rich-quick system, but when you purchase their product you receive a package with an empty box! A legitimate home based online business will offer you training modules, unlimited access to a training room, and an online support.

They tell you that you do not need a website. Take note of this, when you want to make money online, a website is necessary! However, there are some that provides you with your own internet marketer, thus you don't need a website, because your internet marketer will be the one to give it to you.

They tell you that you do not need a list! Just like a website, a list is necessary! Everybody who are making money online will tell you that, "the money is in the list." Although, some online business do have says you don't need a list because your Internet Marketer will be the one who will do your work for you.

They don't have a live person that you can talk to. When you want to talk to a person in-charge all you get is a chat mate. A real person should be a pre-requisite if you are investing money and expect money to return.

They don't have a legitimate contact information on the site There should be a valid phone number and address.

They don't have an application where they ask for your real personal information.

Online scams are usually listed on, and other websites that give information about frauds online.

Once you know how to protect yourself online, you are sure to have more success in your home based business.


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